Past PhD Dissertations
Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Heather Ellis | Jonathan Vance | Aftershocks: The Psychological Cost of the Great War |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Cristina Stoica | Frank Schumacher | The Perpetual 'Outsiders': Romanian Policies Targeting Roma between 1859-1945 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Lu Wang | James Flath | Clever Minds and Nimble Hands? Making Embroidery in Late Qing and Republican China |
Jonathan Bayer | Nancy Rhoden | "The Dignity of Being Called Americans": American Identity and Portrayals of Canadians in the American Press, 1754-1812 |
Guy St-Denis | Jonathan Vance | An Enduring Popularity: Sir Isaac Brock and Canada, 1812-2012 |
M. Blake Butler | Alan MacEachern | Canada's Evergreen Playground: A History of Snow in Vancouver |
Bryan McClure | Jonathan Vance | 'Gave His Life for the Empire': Memory, Memorials, and Identity in the British Empire after the First World War |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Erin Brown | Laurel Shire | You Go To My Head: Women's Prescription Pill Use in Postwar America |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Allen Priest | Aldona Sendzikas |
In The Shadow Of The Atomic Cloud: Masculinity, Modernity, And The ‘Bomb’ In The Electoral Politics of Canada and the United States, 1949-1963 |
Daniel Manulak | Francine McKenzie | A Light in the Window: Canada, Race, and South African Apartheid, 1958-1994 |
Nassisse Solomon | Stephanie Bangarth | Rooted in History: Representations of Ethiopian Identities in Canada |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Maksym Sviezhentsev | Marta Dyczok | 'Phantom Limb': Russian Settler Colonialism in the Post-Soviet Crimea (1991-1997) |
Michael O'Hagan | Alan MacEachern | Beyond the Barbed Wire: POW Labour Projects in Canada during the Second World War |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Frances Henry | Allyson May | Love, Sex, and the Noose: The Emotions of Sodomy in 18th Century England |
David Blocker | Keith Fleming | 'To Waffle to the Left:' The Waffle, the New Democratic Party, and Canada's New Left During the Long Sixties. |
Nolan Brown | Robert Wardhaugh | Protecting the Individual: The Origins and Development of Saskatchewan Conservatism, 1905-1944 |
Jonathon Malek | Stephanie Bangarth | The Pearl of the Prairies: The History of the Winnipeg Filipino Community |
Jordan Chase | Jonathan Vance | "For Weariness Cannot but Fill our Men after so long a Period of Hardship and Endurance:" War Weariness in the Canadian Corps in the First World War |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Evan Habkirk | Susan Hill | Charting Continuation: Understanding Post-Traditional Six Nations Militarism, 1814-1930 |
Elliot Worsfold | Robert Wardhaugh | Welcoming Strangers: Race, Religion, and Ethnicity in German Lutheran Ontario and Missouri, 1939-1970 |
Samantha Desroches | Jonathan Vance | Tanks and Tinsel: The American Celebration of Christmas During World War II |
Graeme Phillips | Robert Wardhaugh | 'An Articulate Minority': Studies in the Ideas of Canadian Peace, 1945-1963 |
Jeremy Garrett | Jonathan Vance | Tribute to the Fallen: The Evolution of Canadian Battlefield Burials During the First World War |
Megan Baxter | Katherine McKenna | Would You Sell Yourself For A Drink, Boy?: Masculinity and Fraternalism in the Ontario Temperance Movement, 1850-1914 |
Matthew McRae | Jonathan Vance | Remembering Rebellion, Remembering Resistance: Collective Memory, Identity, and the Veterans of 1869-70 and 1885 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Ryan Flavelle | Jonathan Vance | Killing, Combat and the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry: Legendary Soldiers’ Stories of the First World War – 1914-1918 |
Cayley Bower | Jonathan Vance | Dying to be Modern: Cataraqui Cemetery, Romanticism, Consumerism, and the Extension of Modernity in Kingston, Ontario, 1780-1900 |
Magdalena Hentel | Amy Bell | Temporary Gentleman: The Masculinity of Lower-Middle-Class Temporary British Officers in the First World War |
Gregg French | Frank Schumacher | The Foundations of Empire Building: Spain's Legacy and the American Imperial Identity, 1776-1921 |
Shezan Muhammedi | Stephanie Bangarth | 'Gifts From Amin': The Resettlement, Integration, and Identities of Ugandan Asian Refugees in Canada |
Amanda Judge | Brock Millman | Neither Here Nor There: Northern Ireland, Myth, and the People in Between |
Shawn McCarthy | Brock Millman | The Happy Secret: Alexandria of Denmark and Ireland, 1863-1925 |
Jeffery Temple | Margaret McGlynn | Life Angels Among Them: John Calvin and the Protestant Pastorate |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Nicholas Virtue | Robert Ventresca | Royal Army, Fascist Empire: The Regio Esercito on Occupation Duty, 1936-1943 |
Arthur Gullachsen | Brock Millman | An Army of Never-Ending Strength: The Reinforcement of the Canadian Army 1944-1945 |
Marilla McCargar | Katherine McKenna | Feminity and Higher Education: Women at Ontario Universities, 1890-1920 |
Alex Souchen | Jonathan Vance | Peace Dividend: The War Assets Corporation and the Disposal of Canada's Munitions and Supplies, 1943-1948 |
Jonathan Scotland | Robert Wardhaugh | And the Men Returned: Canadian Veterans and the Aftermath of the Great War |
Oliver Charbonneau | Frank Schumacher | Civilizational Imperatives: American Colonial Culture in the Islamic Philippines, 1899-1942 |
Peter Kikkert | Francine McKenzie | Grasping for the Ends of the Earth: Framing and Contesting Polar Sovereignty, 1900-1955 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Hua Huang | James Flath | Cityscape, Urban Nobodies and War: Modern Transformation of Nianhua in Suzhou-Shanghai |
Michelle Hutchinson Grondin | Monda Halpern | More Than Plumbing: The History of Sexual Education in Ontario, 1960-1979 |
Claire Halstead | Jonathan Vance | From Lion to Leaf: The Evacuation of British Children to Canada During the Second World War |
Signa Daum Shanks | Roger Hall | Searching for Sakitawak: Place and People in Northern Saskatchewan's Ile-a-la-Crosse |
Rachael Griffin | Allyson May | Detective Policing and the State in Nineteenth-century England: The Detective Department of the London Metropolitan Police, 1842-1878 |
Joshua Perell | Monda Halpern | The Public Advocacy of the American Jewish Committee, 1906-1929 |
Steve Marti | Francine McKenzie | Embattled Communities: Voluntary Action and Identity in Australia, Canada and New Zealand, 1914-1918 |
Douglas Adams | Doug Leighton | The War of the Worlds: The Militant Fundamentalism of Dr. Thomas Shields and the Paradox of Modernity |
Anna Zuschlag | Robert MacDougall | Green Berets and Gay Deceivers: The New Left, The Vietnam Draft and American Masculinity |
Magdalena Kubow | Jonathan Vance | 'Contemporary Reactions to War and the Holocaust with a Focus on the Role of the Polish-Language Press in North America from 1926-1945' |
Timothy Compeau | Nancy Rhoden | Dishonoured Americans: Loyalist Manhood and the Political Death in Revolutionary America |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Trista Grant-Waddell | Jonathan Vance | Soldiers First: Training for Peacekeeping in the Canadian Forces in the 20th Century |
Daniel Heidt | Robert Wardhaugh | First Among Equals: Ontario Federalism, 1856-1900 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Cynthia Brown | Jonathan Vance | The Legacy of Military Necessity in Italy: War and Memory in Cassino and Monte Sole |
Robert H. C. S. Croskery | Nancy Rhoden | Religious Rebels: The Religious Views and Motivations of Confederate Generals in the American Civil War |
Stephanie Potter | Brock Millman | "Smile and Carry On": Canadian Cavalry on the Western Front, 1914-18 |
Mihaela Sitariu | Brock Millman | British-Romanian Relations during the Cold War |
Christopher Stuart Taylor | Stephanie Bangarth | Flying Fish in the Great White North: The 'Culture' of Black Barbadian Migration to 1967 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Brandon Dimmel | Jonathan Vance | Outside Influences: Great War Experiences along the Canada-US Border |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Marise Bachand | Margaret M. R. Kellow | A Season in Town: Plantation Women and the Urban South, 1790-1877 |
Adrian Ercole Ciani | Robert Ventresca | The Vatican, American Catholics, and the Struggle for Palestine, 1917-58: A Study of Cold War Roman Catholic Transnationalism |
Dorotea Gucciardo | Jonathan Vance | The Powered Generation: Canadians, Electricity, and Everyday Life |
Richard Gottfried Larsson Holt | Jonathan Vance | Filling the Ranks: Manpower in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-18 |
Wei Xu | James Flath | From Marriage Revolution to Revolutionary Marriage: The Marriage Practices of the Chinese Communist Party in the Modern Era, 1910-50s |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Sydney Liam Van Beek | Jonathan Vance and Andrew Johnston | "We Leave You Our Deaths, Give Them Their Meaning": Memory, Identity, and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial |
Craig Greenham | Roger Hall and Kevin Walmsley | Outfields, Infields, and Battlefields: How the Great War Influenced Professional Baseball in Canada |
Brian Clancy | Andrew Johnston | A Time for a Change: Clark Clifford and the Struggle to End the War in Vietnam, 1965-68 |
Shauna Devine | Shelley McKellar | Producing Knowledge: Civil War Bodies and the Development of Scientific Medicine in 19th-Century America |
Kelly Mitchell | Katherine McKenna | Missing Persons: The Contested Legacy of First Wave Feminism, the Famous Five, and the Persons Case of 1929 |
Ryan Ernest O'Connor | Alan MacEachern | Toronto the Green: Pollution Probe and the Rise of the Canadian Environmental Movement |
Jessica Van Horssen | Alan MacEachern | Asbestos, Quebec: The Town, the Mineral, and the Local-Global Balance between the Two |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Marina Soroka | Neville Thompson and Brock Millman | The Last Imperial Ambassador in Britain: Russian Embassy under Count A.K. Benckendorff (1903-17) |
Sean Jeffery McLaughlin | Brock Millman and Frank Schumacher | Ignoring 'Nosey Charlie': The Kennedy Administration's Response to the Gaullist Critique of American Policy in Vietnam, 1961-63 |
Dylan Adam Cyr | Brock Millman | Elemental Pursuits of Survival: The 1st Marine Division on Guadalcanal and New Britain |
Jie Gao | James Flath | Saving the Nation Through Culture: The Folklore Movement in Republican China, 1918-49 |
Teresa Iacobelli | Jonathan Vance | No Example is Needed: Discipline and Authority in the Canadian Expeditionary Force during the First World War |
Geoffrey Charles Stewart | Andrew Johnston | Revolution, Modernization and National- Building in Diem's Vietnam: Civic Action, 1955-63 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Julia P. Berest | Charles A. Ruud | Alexander Kunitsyn (1783-1840): An Intellectual Biography of An Early Russian Liberal |
Graham Gordon Broad | Jonathan Vance | A Small Price to Pay: Consumerism on the Canadian Home Front, 1939-45 |
Mark Humphries | Jonathan Vance | The Duty of the Nation: Public Health and the Spanish Influenza in Canada, 1918-19 |
Heather Moran | Jonathan Vance | Stretcher Bearers and Surgeons |
James Andrew Ross | J. J. Benjamin Forster | Hockey Capital: Commerce, Culture, and the National Hockey League, 1917-67 |
Alice Taylor | Margaret M. R. Kellow | Selling Abolitionism: The Commercial, Material, and Social World of the Boston Antislavery Fair, 1834-58 |
Jelica Zdero | Marta Dyczok | Bosnian Cultural Identity, 1878-1914: The Serb Intellectuals |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Michael F. Dove | Ian K. Steele | Hudson's Bay Company Shipping, 1668- 1774 |
Mark Eaton | Francine McKenzie | Nuclear Insecurities: Canadian Ideas and Images about Nuclear Weapons |
Christopher Tait | Roger Hall | The Colonial Crown: Monarchy in British North American Politics and Culture, 1760-1867 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Stephen M. Burgess-Whiting | Jonathan Vance | Lest We Remember: Canadians and the Spanish Civil War |
Dean Ruffilli | Jonathan Vance | The Car in Canadian Culture, 1898- 1983 |
Daryl White | J. J. Benjamin Forster | Multinational Patriots: Business- Government Relations in the Canadian Aluminum and Nickel Industries, 1914-45 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Forrest Pass | Jonathan Vance | Pacific Dominion : British Columbia And The Making Of Canadian Nationalism, 1858-1958 |
Amy Shaw | Jonathan Vance | These Strange, Ridiculous and Contradictory Creatures: Conscientious Objection in Canada during the First World War. |
Andrew D. Smith | Roger Hall | British Businessmen and Canadian Confederation: Gentlemanly Capitalism at Work |
Jeffery Vacante | Jonathan Vance | The Search for Manhood: Locating Masculine Identity in Early 20th-Century Québec |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Michelle Hamilton | Roger Hall | Contested Histories: Museums, Collectors, and Iroquoian Peoples in Ontario, 1797-1910 |
Lynn Kennedy | Margaret M. R. Kellow | Partus Sequitur Ventrem: Meanings of Childbirth and Motherhood in the Antebellum South |
Sara Morrison | Ian K. Steele | The Stuart Forests: From Venison Pie to Wooden Walls |
David Norton | Rebellious Younger Brother: Oneida Leadership and Diplomacy, 1750-1800 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Alexander Campbell | Ian K. Steele | The Royal American Regiment, 1755-72: An Atlantic Community |
Neil Kennedy | Ian K. Steele | Anglo-Bermudian Society in the English Atlantic World, 1612-1702 |
Richard James Walker | Jonathan Vance | The Political Management of Army Leadership: The Evolution of Canadian Civil-Army Relations, 1898-1945 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Claire E Campbell | Jonathan Vance | Shaped by the West Wind: Nature and History in the Georgian Bay |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Mark G. Spencer | Roger Emerson | The Reception of David Hume's Political Thought in 18th-Century America |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Jennifer Read | Gerald Killan | Addressing "A Quiet Horror": The Evolution of Ontario Pollution Control Policy in the International Great Lakes, 1909-72 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Linda Sabathy-Judd | Fred Dreyer and Roger Hall | The Diary of the Moravian Indian Mission of Fairfield, Upper Canada, 1792-1813 |
Thomas W. Irwin | J. J. Benjamin Forster | Government Funding of Agricultural Associations in Late Nineteenth Century Ontario |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Michael Stevenson | Peter Neary | National Selective Service and the Mobilization of Human Resources in Canada during the Second World War |
Michael Watson | Ian K. Steele | Appropriating Empire: The British North American Vice-Admiralty Judges, 1697-1775 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Mark W. Bailey | Jean Matthews | Moral Philosophy and the Intellectual World of Justices: The United States Supreme Court, 1860-1910 |
Shaun R. Brown | Jack Hyatt | Reestablishment and Rehabilitation: Canadian Veteran Policy, 1933-46 |
Deborah Doxtator | George Emery | What Happened to the Iroquois Clans? A Study of Clans in Three Nineteenth Century Rotinonhsyonni Communities |
Christopher MacLennan | Donald Avery | Toward the Charter: Canadians and the Demand for a National Bill of Rights, 1929-1960 |
Anne Skoczylas | Roger Emerson | Professor John Simson and the Growth of Enlightenment in the Church of Scotland |
Jeffrey M. Suderman | Roger Emerson | Orthodoxy and Enlightenment: George Campbell (1719-1796) and the Aberdeen Enlightenment |
Paul R Wilson | Roger Hall | Baptists and Business: Central Canadian Baptists and the Secularization of the Businessman at Toronto's Jarvis Street Baptist Church, 1848-1921 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Michael F. Murphy | Judd Purdy | School and Society in London, Canada, 1826-1871: The Evolution of a System of Public Education |
Donald Spanner | Roger Hall | "The Straight Furrow": The Life of George S. Henry, Ontario's Unknown Premier |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Christopher Anstead | George Emery | Fraternalism in Victorian Ontario: Secret Societies and Cultural Hegemony |
Geoffrey William Hayes | Jack Hyatt | The Development of the Canadian Army Officer Corps, 1939-1945 |
Catherine Sims | Douglas Leighton | Algonkian-British Relations in the Upper Great Lakes Region: Gathering to Give and to Receive Presents, 1815-1843 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Timothy R. Cooke | Fred Dreyer | Richard Baxter, Puritan Churchman |
Jonathan Scott Swainger | David Flaherty | Governing the Law: The Canadian Department of Justice in the Early Confederation Era |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Nancy Bouchier | George Emery | "For the Love of the Game and the Honour of the Town": Organized Sport, Local Culture, and Middle Class Hegemony in Two Ontario Towns, 1838-1895 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Keith Robson Fleming | Peter Neary | Ontario Hydro and Rural Electrification in Old Ontario, 1911-1958: Policies and Issues |
Peter V. K. Krats | Morris Zaslow | The Sudbury Area to the Great Depression: Regional Development on the Northern Resource Frontier |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Curtis Johnson Cole | David Flaherty | "A Learned and Honorable Body": The Professionalization of the Ontario Bar, 1867-1929 |
Marguerite Van Die | Richard Allen [McMaster] | Nathanael Burwash: A Study in Revivalism and Canadian Culture, 1839-1918 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Charles Desmond Dutrizac | Ian K. Steele | Empire, Provinces, Frontier: Perspectives on the Pennsylvania-Maryland Boundary Dispute |
Adrian St. Aubyn Fraser | George Metcalf | Peasants and Agricultural Labourers in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, 1899-1951 |
Henry Paetkau | Donald Avery | Separation or Integration? The Russian Mennonite Immigrant Community in Ontario, 1924-45 |
John R. Wedley | Morris Zaslow | Infrastructure and Resources: Governments and Their Promotion of Northern Development in British Columbia, 1945-1975 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Raimi Adeleke | Craig Simpson | Martin Robison Delany and the Black Struggle for Freedom |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Michael J. Nolan | Donald Avery | Alan Plaunt and Canadian Broadcasting |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Barbara C. Murison | Ian K. Steele | William Blathwayt's Empire: Politics and Administration in England and the Atlantic Colonies, 1668-1710 |
Dianne C. Newell | Morris Zaslow | Technological Change in a New and Developing Country: A Study of Mining Technology in Canada West-Ontario, 1841- 1891 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Melvin Baker | Peter Neary | The Government of St. John's newfoundland 1800-1921 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Jane E. Lewis | Neville Thompson | The Politics of Motherhood: Child and Maternal Welfare in England, 1906-1939 |
Margaret S. Mattson | Jack Ogelsby | The Growth and Protection of Canadian Civil and Commercial Aviation, 1918-1930 |
Carl E. Swanson | David Flaherty | Predators and Prizes: Privateering in the British Colonies during the War of 1739-1748 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Eric J. Jarvis | Frederick Armstrong | Mid-Victorian Toronto: Panic, Policy and Public Response, 1857-1873 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Jaroslav Petryshyn | Donald Kerr and Peter Neary | A. E. Smith and the Canadian Labour Defense League |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Ronald G. Haycock | Jack Hyatt | Sir Sam Hughes: His Public Career, 1892- 1916 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Robert Joseph Burns | Frederick Armstrong | The First Elite of Toronto: An Examination of the Genesis, Consolidation and Duration of Power in an Emerging Colonial Society |
J. Douglas Leighton | Morris Zaslow | The Development of Federal Indian Policy in Canada, 1840-1890 |
Joseph H. Tuck | Donald Kerr | Canadian Railways and the International Brotherhoods: Labour Organization in the Railway Running Trades in Canada, 1865- 1914 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Donald H. Avery | Donald Kerr | Canadian Immigration Policy and the Alien Question, 1896-1919: The Anglo-Canadian Perspective |
Herbert C. W. Goltz | James Talman | Tecumseh, the Prophet and the Rise of the Northwest Indian Confederation |
Andrew R. McCormack | Donald Kerr | The Origins and Extent of Western Labour Radicalism: 1896-1919 |
William R. Morrison | Morris Zaslow | The Mounted Police on Canada's Northern Frontier, 1895-1940 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
Ian C. B. Pemberton | Mason Wade and Donald Kerr | Justus Sherwood, Vermont Loyalist, 1747- 1798 |
Richard J. Diubaldo | Morris Zaslow | The Canadian Career of Vilhjalmur Stefansson |
Gerald W. Olsen | Al Tucker | Pub and Parish-The Beginnings of Temperance Reform in the Church of England, 1835-1875 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
William M. Baker | Donald Kerr | No Shillelagh: The Life, Journalism and Politics of Timothy Warren Anglin |
William E. Eagan | Morris Zaslow | Joseph Burr Tyrrell, 1858-1957 |
Delphin A. Muise | Donald Kerr | Elections and Constituencies: Federal Politics in Nova Scotia, 1867-1878 |
Donald G. Simpson | James Talman | Negroes in Ontario from Early Times to 1870 |
John D. Wilson | James Talman | Foreign and Local Influences on Popular Education in Upper Canada, 1815-1844 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
William B. Hamilton | Donald Kerr | Education Politics, and Reform in Nova Scotia, 1800-1848 |
George RI MacPherson | Donald Kerr | The Search for the Commonwealth Co- operative Union of Canada, 1909-1939 |
Robert M. Stamp | Donald Kerr | The Campaign for Technical Education in Ontario, 1876-1914 |
Name | Supervisor | Title |
David R. Farrell | Mason Wade | Detroit 1783-1796: The Last Stages of the British Fur Trade in the Old Northwest |